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   Re: [xml-dev] Semantics, Complex Systems, (XSLT) Programs which W rite T

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Bullard, Claude L (Len) scripsit:

> What you are describing is what is sometimes called, 
> "self-modifying code". I've been taught that self-modifying 
> code isn't safe code and I've accepted that as an 
> article of faith, so I can't verify that with facts.
> Still if so, what I would ask is if XML 
> and XSLT (modify by transformation) is safer 
> than when done in other languages and if so, why?

XSLT programs of this type are not *self*-modifying.  Rather, they modify
other code that happens to resemble themselves.  It is then up to something
outside the XSLT environment to re-execute the modified code.

This is no more a case of self-modification than when a compiler compiles a
modified version of itself: the new compiler must be put into effect by
something outside itself, typically an installation routine.

After fixing the Y2K bug in an application:     John Cowan
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