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   Who blows the whistle on Microsoft? Time to stand up

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  Allow me to post some quotes and comments from Chris
Anderson's blog titled "Simple Geek" online @
http://www.simplegeek.com for some insight into
Microsoft's latest world domination scheme. 
  Chris Anderson is a core Avalon "architect" at
Microsoft working on XAML, the Windows-only inbreed
HTML/SVG/XUL/CSS wannabe upcoming in Longhorn, the
next Windows version.

  Chris writes:

 I'm a bit confused by the concern that Microsoft is
somehow trying to threaten or take over the web with
the introduction of a markup language to program
Windows applications. XAML is a new programming model
for the next release of Windows, code named
"Longhorn". That's it.  

  How lovely. Somehow Chris hasn't figured out that
Microsoft isn't a charity but (ab)uses its monopoly to
crush any competion.

  Just two blog stories and a day later Chris writes:

My not-to-hidden agenda here is simple - dynamic
applications should be dynamic on the client. The
server should send data - either through web services,
database access, or any other wire protocol - and the
client should consume that data and generate UI. The
model of a server trying to generate the correct
display for a client is just broken.

My computer knows what my settings are, I don't need
to server to guess them. The application on the client
knows my screen resolution, DPI, color depth. It knows
if I have a scanner, mouse, keyboard, tablet, printer,
etc. The application on the client has full access to
a powerful CPU, GPU, and hard disk that are dedicated
to *me*.

We are past the world of generating static snapshots
of display and blasting them down to a client. Most
desktop computers you buy today have 2+Ghz CPU, >256MB
of RAM, and a massive hard disk. Use them! Make your
application be so engaging and productive for your
customers that they want to buy it.   

   Now if that doesn't clear up the confusion. I don't
know what does.

   Any comments?

  - Gerald

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