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   Re: [xml-dev] RDDL(2): new version up

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On Mon, 2004-01-19 at 17:34, Jeff Rafter wrote:
> Does anyone know the current deployment/penetration level of RDDL? I know
> that I am using it for all of my major projects-- basically whenever
> anything goes public it has an RDDL document at the end of the namespace. I
> ask because I am curious what the cost is to upgrade.

I use it for all my major projects as well. Even if that doesn't make an
awful lot of vocabulary, I use it as I have shown in my examples (a
rddl:resource embedding a whole <div/> with often several links and even
if the upgrade would be feasible through a XSLT transformation, I
consider that it would decrease the expressiveness of the links.

Have you ever thought about unit testing XSLT templates?
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