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   Re: [xml-dev] SAX Topic 2004-0002: XML 1.1 support

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/ "Jeff Rafter" <lists@jeffrafter.com> was heard to say:
|> - remove all unnecessary references to XML 1.0 from the docs (John
|>    Cowan, 2004-02-18)
|> - change to "XML 1.0 and XML 1.1", or just XML; patch on offer
|>    (Norm Walsh, 2004-02-19)
| There was one additional point that I made in this area that was really
| minor and so may have been edited out purposely-- and that is that there may
| be a problem with existing applications (especially existing XML Writer
| classes and filters) that have an expectation of 1.0 names and simply pass
| them on without checking their WFness. It is possible that they will simply
| output the 1.1 name and label the document 1.0. Obviously, this is why a
| feature is necessary (as was mentioned). This means that such filters need
| to check for 1.1 compatibility before taking action... in the pipeline model
| this is difficult.

I meant to reply on this point, but must have forgotten.

I'm not sure what can be done. I can see the problem, but it seems to
me that if you have an application that writes XML and you update your
application so that it can accept XML 1.1 documents, you had best make
sure that the writers do the right thing.

                                        Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh <ndw@nwalsh.com> | Endurance is frequently a form of
http://nwalsh.com/            | indecision.--Elizabeth Bibesco

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