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   Re: WS-Emperor naked?

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Tim inquires:

> Would anyone here like to argue that the list found in
>   http://www.tbray.org/ongoing/When/200x/2004/04/01/WS-Mumble
> is coherent, or sensible, or viable, or generally that the parrot is 
> not dead?

Anyone remember the (dare I say "good") old days when people wrote useful 
software that did useful things, rather than writing incomprehensible 

It's not a "standard" till it's implemented and in wide usage.  So it does 
make me wince when these specifications are blessed as "standards" even 
before they are fully-baked (or half-baked if you prefer) and before there 
are usable implementations and/or wide-spread adoption.

Then again, we could always comment on elephants designed by committees, 
which such specs seem to fall foul of.

All this effort might end up being useful....but I fear that it will be just 
a colossal waste of time in the end.  

I suppose time and history will tell...the parrot is neither alive nor dead 
right now....in fact, it's not even a parrot, just the specifications of what 
might become a parrot.  It may be stillborn...or it might end up a phoenix.
(all allegories/puns intended ;-)  ).

Andrzej Jan Taramina
Chaeron Corporation: Enterprise System Solutions


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