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   Re: [xml-dev] Converting xml to csv with xslt

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> I'm still working on my xslt. Can someone give me an example or point me
> in the right direction to convert my XML to CSV

As many have already pointed out, converting XML to CSV is rather trivial
with XSLT. The only thing you really need to know is how exactly your CSV
file should look. In addition to XSLT, you may want to look at xmlLinguist
from SysOnyx, Inc. The website is http://www.xmllinguist.com and it's a
Text-to-XML Translator. It will translate an XML document into a CSV easily
enough, but it's bi-directional. It will translate a CSV doc into XML,
something not so trivial in XSLT.

It may not meet all of your requirements, I haven't heard enough to say one
way or another, but I offer it up as an alternative.

Bryce K. Nielsen
SysOnyx, Inc. (www.sysonyx.com)
Makers of xmlLinguist, the Text-to-XML Translator


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