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   Re: [xml-dev] Partyin' like it's 1999

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Michael Champion wrote:

>On Tue, 26 Oct 2004 09:27:05 -0500, Bullard, Claude L (Len)
><len.bullard@intergraph.com> wrote:
>> How much code
>>do we want to obsolete so that applications that
>>were nearly done are now codeBits 
>That's one question that needs to be answered (or at least guessed at)
>before doing anything:  how much short term pain would actually be
>caused?  My own guess is that most end user application builders have
>avoided the crufty stuff, whether or not it is legal in the specs. 
>The people complaining at the Sells' conference are the poor suckers
>trying to implement the specs because their customers want 'standards'
>in the abstract but are not clamoring for the nasty bits of the actual
>specs. The purpose of any refactoring would be to cut at the
>inflection points beyond which a given feature causes more complexity
>pain than empirical benefit in the real world.  I grant that will be
>hard to determine!
>> Why
>>not toss out this whole 'pointy' thing and get
>>back to a clean one pass parse based on proper
>>data definitions, white space, end of lines,
>>and curlies (let's Do C!)?
>Sooner or later someone is going to do just that.   The question is
>whether we want to do selective breeding to keep the specs in synch
>with changing realities or wait for punctuated equilibrium to toss it
>out and start over.
i think binary xml is basically going to do this....


>>There comes a point where the business execs and
>>the data owners look back and say "good enough"
>>and push back because the costs of reinnovation
>>are restarts in too many places.
>OK, automobiles, television, most home appliances, homebuilding
>technology ... lots of things have been essentially "good enough" for
>decades. I'm trying to think of a computer-related technology that 
>exhibits this (mainframes?  COBOL?).  In the technology industry,
>who's not busy bein' reborn is busy becomin' a low margin commodity.
>> Are there
>>any non-XML geeks, 
>Maybe not, but if "Developers Hate XML", who will stand up for it when
>its equilibrium gets punctuated?
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fn:Rick  Marshall
tel;cell:+61 411 287 530


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