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   Re: [xml-dev] schema keyref to other schema.

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> On Thu, Feb 24, 2005 at 04:44:03PM +1100, Rick Jelliffe wrote:
>> David Carlisle wrote:
>>>  No, he meant XSLT1, specifically that you can use the document()
>>>  function which is defined as an XPath function by XSLT not in the
>>>  Xpath rec.
>> That is correct. The normative references[3] are to XPath 1 and XSLT 1.
> Thanks, Rick.  I was afraid they were generic references.

No, Schematron's framework is defined formally using predicate logic
and the default query language is defined down to the specific
productions in XPath 1 and XSLT 1. A mechanism for using other
data models and query languages is provided (and schemas have to
have an attribute to specify that they are not using the defaults.)

The spec has only about 22 normative printed pages (which is pretty
good for something more powerful for validation than XML Schemas
Structures, and which got the top score at the Schema Language Shootout
at that XML Conference a couple of years ago.)

> Probably
> better for ISO to update their spec in a year or so to reflect
> the latest XPath than to have implementations using differing versions.

Using Schematron with XPath2 is currently allowed, without requiring any
update to the ISO Standard. If users want the XPath2 query language
binding to be standardized, there is no problem, but the initiative has to
come from real users or implementers (e.g. through their national bodies,
or by direct request).

Other standards bodies can make their own XPath2 profiles if they
need them, of course. ISO DSDL does not use take a PSVI approach,
it is strictly XML-in/XML-out. So probably some other body like W3C
would be better than ISO for making a profile using XPath2 over the PSVI.

Rick Jelliffe


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