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   Re: [xml-dev] incompatible uses of XML Schema

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Gregor wrote:

>I am currently facing the a problem with XML processors that are
>evaluated for their XML Schema validation capabilities in Industry
>Standards (CIDX, PIDX, RosettaNet for a start).
>The limitations of one of the processors are huge (no id-constraints,
>no wildcards, no mixed-attribute) so I have resorted to classifying
>the features of XML Schema and then applying the classification to the
>Industry Standard vocabularies.
 Which one? 

I certainly don't want to say any developer is wrong for not 
implementing the
whole standard, everyone understands deadlines. But I am keen to know
the scope of the problem: for example, is it the case that the features you
use dicate the tools- or systems-vendors you can use?



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