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   RE: [xml-dev] Document oriented experience reports anyone?

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At 2005-06-08 18:25 +0100, Kirkham, Pete (UK) wrote:
>Rick Jelliffe wrote
> > Does "I know of almost no large uses of XSD for documents" count?
>+1 from my small corner of the defence industry.

-1 from a corner of the US Defense Industry where I'm obliged to use XSD 
for US intelligence documents using the IC-MSP schemas 
https://www.icmwg.org/ic_pub/introduction.asp ... this is becoming a very 
large use of XSD for documents as the project I'm on deploys an 
editing/publishing environment across a number of geographically-dispersed 
organizations.  I've proposed a case study paper at XML'2005 where I'll 
talk about this deployment and accommodating the document-oriented XSD with 
stylesheets in different organizations.

I would much rather be using RELAX-NG but the use of these schemas is 
imposed on the project.  The community is living without co-occurrence 
constraints, rather than living without XSD.

I don't really have anything to contribute to the W3C because my complaints 
beyond lack of co-occurrence constraints are along the lines of "too 
difficult to use" and "too difficult to understand" and "too difficult to 
teach to colleagues".  No metrics there to contribute to improvements.

. . . . . . . . Ken

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