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   Re: [xml-dev] Seeking FSM for XML

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somewhere in my now faulty bio-archive i seem to remember that if you 
can write an lr-1 grammar you can build a fsm. i'm not sure xml is lr-1.

but if it is and given that lex and co are effectivley fsms, if you can 
write the bnf for xml, surely you can feed them into yacc/lex etc and 
get what you want.

which raises the other issue - a fsm controls something - ie some states 
have effects - i presume you have a list of states and desired effects 
that you want to plug into this fsm - but then yacc should still be able 
to do that....

personally i've always preferred recursive descent for this type of 
exercise, but each to his own..



adasal wrote:

> Damn that Bermuda Triangled then!
> But wont this FSM contain possibilities of valid and invalid state? So 
> how does that play with knowledge of the rules of the grammer, with 
> just being a parser, in effect?
> Adam
> On 12/04/06, *Rick Jelliffe* <rjelliffe@allette.com.au 
> <mailto:rjelliffe@allette.com.au>> wrote:
>     Mukul Gandhi said:
>     > A finite state machine (FSM) or finite automaton is a model of
>     > behavior composed of states, transitions and actions.
>     >
>     > Refering to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Finite_state_machine, I can
>     > represent FSM as a XML for the door example as follows
>     >
>     > <fsm>
>     >   <state name="opened">
>     >     <entryaction name="open door" />
>     >     <condition name="close door" tostate="closed" />
>     >   </state>
>     >   <state name="closed">
>     >     <entryaction name="close door" />
>     >     <condition name="open door" tostate="opened" />
>     >   </state>
>     > </fsm>
>     >
>     > Do you have something like this in mind?
>     Err no, exactly wrong. I want an FSM for parsing XML. A DFA for
>     parsing XML.
>     I want the grammar of XML expressed in a state machine form. I want an
>     automaton for lexing well-formed XML. (Not the grammar for XML.
>     Not an XML
>     document type for FSMs.)
>     For example, Tim Bray used one for generating the original Lark
>     parser
>     code, but it isnt included in the Lark distribution.
>     Cheers
>     Rick Jelliffe
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> !DSPAM:4446079d189859734571689! 

fn:Rick  Marshall
tel;cell:+61 411 287 530


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