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[offtopic] SQL instead of XQuery


>> As well, as XQuery is foreign query languge for rational databases.
CB> http://www.m-w.com/dictionary/rational
CB> http://www.m-w.com/dictionary/relational

I have read. I will not guess your thought,
say directly, what are you wanting to say.

P.S. If you wanted to say, that opposite opinion exists,
this existance is not disclaimer.

CB> store all your data [xml and rational] in one engine
CB> you should be storing all your data [xml and rational] in an XML database.
CB> Don't try to pretend that XML ...
CB> can be efficiently represented or processed in the relational
CB> paradigm.

You are against researches and my results,
but earlier you say, that today's way is bad.
You disagree to yourself.

>> CB> ... [to] object databases
>> What is alternative instead of SQL99
>> (http://www.wiscorp.com/sql1999_c3.zip ) ?
CB> SQL99 is a language for relational databases not object databases.


CB> Languages for object databases include OQL and OCL

Languages are equal only before god and linguist :)
Let's return to usability, habits, i.e. to real life.

Dmitry Turin
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