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Re: [xml-dev] New to list, question about cross doc references in xpath

Thanks... that's helpful...

What I'm working with is a mix of XHTML, DAISY, Dublin Core and IDPF
documents. They are in directory structures that may live online at
different locations, or may be downloaded as a single archive (ZIP).
In any case, the locator needs to point to the same fragments and
ranges unambiguously. It also needs to identify the package itself,
independently of any other URL, so correlation can be mad between
various online versions and downloaded copies.

In the online form, my locator has to be part of another locator, ie a
URL fragment (it's used in an ajax application). I was thinking I
should use Xpath on a cross-document basis, as a top down path through
the whole package, but maybe it makes more sense to reference the
content documents themselves.


On Wed, Mar 25, 2009 at 6:11 PM, Michael Kay <mike@saxonica.com> wrote:
> Well, a cross-document reference in XPath might look like this:
> ref="doc('other.xml')/id('toc')"
> But whether that's useful to you, I don't know. It's not XPointer - but it's
> probably a lot more useful than XPointer.
> If I wanted to do this I would probably do:
> ref="other.xml#toc"
> which isn't XPath.
> It all depends on how you want to use the reference.
> Michael Kay
> http://www.saxonica.com/
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: aaron miller [mailto:aaronstevenmiller@gmail.com]
>> Sent: 25 March 2009 22:50
>> To: xml-dev@lists.xml.org
>> Subject: [xml-dev] New to list, question about cross doc
>> references in xpath
>> Hi everyone,
>> I'm new to the list, so forgive me if this has been
>> discussed. The question that led me here is: Does Xpath (or
>> anything) provide a way to reference nodes across documents,
>> in situations where documents are part of a package?
>> My goal is to be able to construct xpointer fragments that
>> will properly resolve across docs in OPF.
>> Example:
>> id(string(//opf:spine[0]/@toc))
>> gets me the element whose @src references another document,
>> and in that document, I need to step further:
>> //ncx:navPoint[0]/content[0]
>> and from that node, I need to step into the document referred
>> to in the @src (of the content el)
>> and so on...
>> Thanks
>> Aaron
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