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Re: [xml-dev] XML and CSS

I read this with interest, and IMHO the biggest thing "missing" is what 
I think is the fundamental issue of CSS for XML.
That is you cant re-order the elements !   (Please tell me I'm wrong  .. 
but thats my understanding).

If pure CSS is used to render XML in the browser, then the resulting 
HTML HAS to be in the same basic structure as the XML.
Simple case if I have


And I want it to render like
       <P> <B>Code</B> - Name </P>

I don't believe there is any way to do this in CSS.

This, IMHO, is the fundamental limitation of CSS.  The XML has to be 
structured how you want it displayed, all the CSS can do is add some 
"styling" but it cant restructure the document.  One of the big "goals" 
of XML  (IMHO) is that it can be data centric, not display centric.  
This makes CSS rendering a data oriented XML document severely 
crippled.  It can only do so much - namely add "style" to an element, 
not reformat the document.

(again, please tell me I'm wrong ! - but this is what the CSS gurus at 
work tell me as to why I cant send them XML directly to display in a 
mobile browser).

David A. Lee

Jesper Tverskov wrote:
> To summarize the thread I have made a tutorial about it.
> "Styling XML with CSS",
> http://www.xmlplease.com/xmlcss
> Cheers,
> Jesper Tverskov
> http://www.xmlkurser.dk
> http://www.xmlplease.com
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