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   Re: Parameterizing namespaces - possible?

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  • From: "David Brownell" <david-b@pacbell.net>
  • To: "Christopher R. Maden" <crism@exemplary.net>, <xml-dev@xml.org>
  • Date: Mon, 17 Apr 2000 11:08:43 -0700

see about three paragraphs before the 4.4.8 bit,
the 4.4.5 paragraph has no ambiguity.

but wasn't such a draft (xhtml modules with namespace
parameterization) pretty much ready to go out?

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Christopher R. Maden" <crism@exemplary.net>
To: <xml-dev@xml.org>
Sent: Sunday, 16 April, 2000 10:55 PM
Subject: Re: Parameterizing namespaces - possible?

> On 4/16/00, 5:09:28 PM, Tim Bray <tbray@textuality.com> wrote regarding 
> Re: Parameterizing namespaces - possible?:
> > No... what you have above should work.  If you read the fine print the
> > extra spaces don't apply when it's in the replacement text of another
> > entity reference.  So %html.name; indeed expands to "html:html"
> That's what I thought, until Simon challenged me on it.  I couldn't 
> find the wording in the XML Rec that made that legal.  I'm certain 
> that it's there; this rule has been an article of faith for several 
> years now.  [Wow... XML for "several years".]  Can you point me to the 
> appropriate section of the Rec, please?
> -Chris
> -- 
> Christopher R. Maden, Solutions Architect
> Yomu
> One Embarcadero Center, Ste. 2405
> San Francisco, CA 94111
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