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   RE: DTD or XML Schema editor recommendations (Win32)

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  • From: MarkH@i2.co.uk
  • To: Ed.Hodder@Bowne.com, xml-dev@lists.xml.org
  • Date: Wed, 29 Nov 2000 14:33:52 +0000

It has some DTD autocompletion (e.g. a menu with ELEMENT, ATTLIST etc after
you type "<!" but that's about it. After that you seem to be on your own so
it isn't a great deal of help!

I'm wondering about ditching DTDs and going straight to XML Schemas, but
worried about tools support and adoption by third parties - because we want
to sell a product to third parties which means that they will have to work
with our DTD or XML Schema to communicate with it.

Do you have any comments about this? Were these considerations for you?

Agile HTML Editor
  Agilic Corporation

> -----Original Message-----
> From:	Hodder, Ed [SMTP:Ed.Hodder@Bowne.com]
> Sent:	Wednesday, November 29, 2000 2:10 PM
> To:	XML-Dev (E-mail)
> Subject:	RE: DTD or XML Schema editor recommendations (Win32)
> > My ideal
> > - text based (ie typed input)
> > - syntax checking as you type
> > - syntax coloring of content, highlighting errors as you go
> > - autocompletion menus (eg where #REQUIRED | #IMPLIED | 
> > #FIXED would go I
> > get a pop up menu as I type containing these items)
> > 
> > Is there anything out there with these features for Windows NT?
> Not having used anything but XMLSpy (newbie) this isn't a recommendation
> but:
> It is text based, does have coloring and autocompletion popup menues for
> schemas. Are we using the same version of the beta? I haven't created a
> and don't plan to if I can avoid it, so maybe that module doesn't have
> autocompletion?
> Ed


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