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[ANN] last call for reviews of PRISM metadata spec


The PRISM working group is pleased to announce the 'last call'
version of our metadata specification. Copies are available from

The specification is intended to meet the needs of publishers
and other organizations who produce and/or disseminate
information. The PRISM specification uses XML + namespaces,
RDF, and the Dublin Core namespace. It adds a new namespace
containing more detailed elements than those from the Dublin
Core. It also adds namespaces for simple representation of
controlled vocabularies and for a simple rights & permissions

The period for comments closes March 29. Version 1.0 of the
specification will be released April 9, in conjunction with
the Seybold conference. Given the short time between the
close of comments and the initial release, the editors request
your comments be submitted as early as possible.

Best regards,

Ron Daniel Jr.
Co-chair of PRISM Working Group