When I go to a element with this code: ' Load XML set objXML =
Server.CreateObject("MSXML2.DOMDocument") objXML.async = False objXML.load Server.MapPath("curprijs.xml") Then I can see number of attributes with this command for example (FIRST
ACCESS): Response.Write objXML.documentElement.attributes.length But if I send
the object to a function doing this…: Response.Write aTree(objXML.documentElement) … where aTree is a function like this (SECOND ACCESS): function aTree(pNode) if
pNode.attributes.length>0 then ‘dosomething end
if …and.so.on… end
function è Then I get a server ASP-processing error saying: Object
required: 'pNode.attributes' Why is this? What is the difference between the FIRST access to the
attributes-collection and the SECOND? Any hints would be greatly appreciated!! Stephan, Stephan van Ingen Boeretangsedreef 29 2400 Mol +32(0)14/32.68.55
(home) +32(0)473/271.584
(cell) +32(0)3/218.06.38
(work) Stephan.van.Ingen@advalvas.be http://www.stephanvaningen.net -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The day that
Microsoft makes something that doesn't suck is probably the day they start
making vacuum cleaners. |