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Re: [xml-dev] XML for Video, Pizza Shops & TakeOut

At the risk of getting off-topic, can anyone tell me why we have purple
traffic cameras littering UK roads to provide traffic-flow news to
mobile phone users, when you could simply monitor the flow of mobile
phones from one road-phone cell to the next?


"Bullard, Claude L (Len)" wrote:
> It is there.  Check out the requirements for cell phone
> systems and 911 services. Federally mandated too.
> The full potential is limited by some standards still
> not being fully in place and the cost of creating
> and maintaining the metadata.   We could apply the
> HumanML schema concepts and get quite a bit of progress if
> the users are willing to fill in the forms and
> grant permissions.  This is limited only by bandwidth
> and the will to register (like Hailstorm -
> it depends on identity services).
> len
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Joshua Allen [mailto:joshuaa@microsoft.com]
> Good point; I just tried this with my cellphone, but all of the
> location-based services that find Pizza joints (like go2.com) require
> that you type in a ZIP code or something first.  That is pretty lame,
> considering that the WAP provider should be able to at least give a good
> guess based on source address of my device.  I mean, the chances are
> pretty low that someone in Washington would be connecting to a comm
> tower in California...  This is such a seemingly possible thing I wonder
> why it's not already there?  Of course, comm station is not the same as
> pinpointing an exact city block, but still interesting.
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