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   Re: [xml-dev] Who can implement W3C XML Schema ?

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Good points, Jonathan.

Jonathan Robie wrote:

> 1. Let's figure out which implementations do a particularly good job of 
> implementing XML Schema. If there are one or two that are really good, that 
> would be very useful information, even if there are a bunch that are not 
> good. Let's make compatibility a marketable commodity.

According to my experience which is absolutely not exhaustive since I 
have been using mainly only tools running on my laptop (Linux) and 
tested on the examples which are included in my book (to come) about W3C 
XML Schema, the most complete and conform implementation is by far Xerces-J.

I have also found their developers very active in fixing bugs as soon as 
you report one.

Again, it's not exhaustive, but kudus for Xerces-J!

See you in Paris.
Eric van der Vlist       http://xmlfr.org            http://dyomedea.com
http://xsltunit.org      http://4xt.org           http://examplotron.org


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