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   Re: [xml-dev] [good] Question about NS 1.1

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Ronald Bourret wrote:
> Joe English wrote:
> > I'm ambivalent about this.  QNames in content sound like a
> > Really Bad Idea on the face of it,  [...]
> The problem isn't QNames in content. It's how you declare
> prefix=>namespace mappings.

Right; by "the QNames-in-content problem" I mean "QNames in
element content and/or in attribute values which are interpreted
according to the local namespace environment as defined
by the W3C 'Namespaces in XML 1.0' REC".  Since this problem
comes up a *lot*, a shorthand expression is needed :-)

> One way to do this is to define
> application-specific mapping mechanisms, such as those that allow the
> declarations only on root elements or with specific child elements such
> as:
>    <Namespace Prefix="foo" URI="http://www.foo.org/"; />
> The problem with these is that they inherit the problem that dogged the
> original namespace PI: code that is unaware of the namespace declaration
> mechanism can't safely copy fragments.

The other problem is that it (often) forces document creators to
include multiple namespace declarations for each prefix/URI
mapping.  It doesn't really save much work for document consumers
either, since they would just have to maintain an application-specific
namespace environment as well as the REC-xml-names one.
I want *fewer* namespace-related things to keep track of, not more!

--Joe English



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