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   RE: [xml-dev] XML Documents Complexity

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Hello Mustafa.

> I would appreciate if you guys can provide me with
> some XML source documents you are using or links where
> I can find these documents, as this would definitely
> be helpful for me.

I've had the same problem.  (I'm writing an XML processor and I needed test
XML).  Although I posted a request to comp.text.xml, nobody helped me out so
I've been forced to find some XML docs on the web....

There is a (rather big and overwhelming) XML Test Suite with documents of
varying degrees of complexity over at the W3C:  http://www.w3.org/XML/Test/
. I'm sure that some of those docs may be helpful for you; you only have to
mine through them! :-/

Since my processor is written in JS, I've been testing speed using a
modified version of the JS speed-tester (with an XML document) over at
http://jsxml.sourceforge.net/test.html .

I've also been testing my processor with this XML (wrapped in JS strings):

var endl  = '\n';
var data  =	'aaa<?xml version="1.0" ?>' + endl;
    data +=	'<!-- comment1 -->' + endl;
    data +=	'<!-- comment2 -->' + endl;
    data +=	'<?xml-stylesheet href="mystyle.css" type="text/css"?>' + endl;
    data +=	'<!-- comment3 -->' + endl;
    data +=	'<root>' + endl;
    data +=		'Text text and more text' + endl;
    data +=		'Text text and more text' + endl;
    data +=		'<element1>' + endl;
    data +=			'<child1 a="7">' + endl;
    data +=				'Text text and more text' + endl;
    data +=				'Text text and more text' + endl;
    data +=			'</child1>' + endl;
    data +=			'<child2   a =  "49" b="21" >' + endl;
    data +=			'</child2>' + endl;
    data +=			'<child3 b="7"/>' + endl;
    data +=			'<child4 g = "p  7"  />' + endl;
    data +=			'<child5/>' + endl;
    data +=			'<child6 />' + endl;
    data +=		'</element1>' + endl;
    data +=		'Text text and more text' + endl;
    data +=		'<element2>' + endl;
    data +=			'Text text and more text' + endl;
    data +=			'<!-- comment4<> -->' + endl;
    data +=			'<![CDATA[' + endl;
    data +=				'<!-- NOT A COMMENT -->' + endl;
    data +=				'<b>not XML &amp;</b>' + endl;
    data +=				'<p><b>don\'t do this in HTML</p></b>' + endl;
    data +=			']]> bla bla' + endl;
    data +=			'Text text &amp; more text' + endl;
    data +=			'Text text and more text' + endl;
    data +=		'</element2>' + endl;
    data +=		'<element3>' + endl;
    data +=	        '<?pi type="wha where when?" ?>' + endl;
    data +=		'</element3>' + endl;
    data +=	'</root>' + endl;
    data +=	'<!-- comment5 <notatag att="one"> -->' + endl;
    data +=	'<!-- comment6 -->' + endl;
    data +=	'<?pi  ?>' + endl;

	document.write("<p>it's working...</p>");

I'll leave it as an exercise for the reader (you) to unwrap the JS; sorry!

Jimmy Cerra
"my mind is slipping away...
                   ...day by glorious day"
Robin Gorkin

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Mustafa Hilal Qureshi [mailto:mustafa_hilal@yahoo.com]
> Sent: Friday, June 14, 2002 7:01 PM
> To: xml-dev@lists.xml.org
> Subject: [xml-dev] XML Documents Complexity
> Hello Everyone,
> As a part of my research project, I am interested in
> having an XML library, comprising of various varying
> XML documents (in terms of size, complexity etc.).
> These XML docs will be a first step in exploring the
> ways for determining the complexity of XML documents.
> I would appreciate if you guys can provide me with
> some XML source documents you are using or links where
> I can find these documents, as this would definitely
> be helpful for me.
> Thanks in advance.
> Mustafa.
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