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   RE: [xml-dev] XML Schema to relaxNG xslt

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> -----Original Message-----
> From: John Cowan [mailto:jcowan@reutershealth.com] 
> Sent: Friday, June 21, 2002 12:54 PM
> To: Dare Obasanjo
> Cc: John Cowan; Rick Taylor; xml-dev@lists.xml.org
> Subject: Re: [xml-dev] XML Schema to relaxNG xslt
<snip mimicing W3C XML Schem extension> 

> Does that replicate the functionality sufficiently?  Of 
> course the definitions can be in separate schema files.

Type derivation in XSD comes in two flavors; extension and restriction.
Extension is easy to mimic even with DTDs. However how does RELAX NG
mimic restrictions (especially the nested ones) that involve facets like
xs:minInclusive, xs:maxInclusive? 

> > A lot of functionality falls under extensible types including 
> > polymorphism via substitution groups and xsi:type which I 
> do not see 

<snip choice> 

> Wherever h is referenced, an h1 or h2 or ... element may 
> appear.  There is no constraint that they have compatible 
> content models, though.

Without the constraint that they have compatible content models then it
is just an xs:choice 

> > Is there anything akin to xs:redefine in RELAX NG? I 
> couldn't find it in
> > a cursory reading of the tutorial or the spec.   
> Yes.  If you say:
> include "subspec" {
> 	foo = ...
> 	bar = ...
> 	baz = ...
> 	}

Interesting. Could you point me at the part of the spec or tutorial that
discusses this functionality. 


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