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   Re: [xml-dev] DNS based URIs that don't imply access method

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At 10:35 AM 7/25/2002 -0800, Tim Bray wrote:
>Simon St.Laurent wrote:
>>For a brief description of the kinds of problems I've heard in the field 
>>(at conferences and an ACM tutorial), see:
>OK, I've read that.  The first problem has nothing to do with URI-ness.

>1) Developers who can't even figure out how the URI side of things works
>and can't find vocabulary to talk with each other about it.  (This level
>of frustration seems mostly ignored here since we've all talked it to
>death.)  Many of these people say screw it and simply use the QName as
>an identifier, ignoring the URIs completely.  This produces much simpler
>code that works - up to a point.  (Yes, I've since this in the wild, and

has nothing to do with URI-ness?

I suppose that in a sense it's a rejection of URI-ness period, but the 
causes of that rejection do appear to have SOMETHING to do with URI 

>I've never seen a programmer try to do that, with the exceptions of 
>RDF-heads, who know what they're going to get.

Most of the people I've heard from who have those problems are looking for 
schemas, typically W3C XML Schema.  "Do as thou wilt; that is the law"[1] 
seems to be what these folks get from the Namespaces in XML spec.

[1] - Aleister Crowley, supposedly.

Simon St.Laurent
"Every day in every way I'm getting better and better." - Emile Coue


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