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   UDDI Spec TC committee spec public review

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OASIS members and XML developers:

The OASIS UDDI Specification TC has approved UDDI v2 as a Committee 
Specification, and now starts a 30 day public review prior to submitting 
this specification to OASIS members for consideration as an OASIS 
Standard, in accordance with "Section 2 Standards Process" of the OASIS
Technical Committee Process document (see 

The public review starts today and ends 3 March 2003.

Links to the V2 Specification documents are available at:

The documents included are:

       UDDI Version 2 API Specification
       UDDI Version 2 Data Structure Reference
       UDDI Version 2 XML Schema
       UDDI Version 2 Replication Specification
       UDDI Version 2 XML Replication Schema
       UDDI Version 2 XML Custody Schema
       UDDI Version 2 Operator's Specification
       UDDI Version 2 WSDL Service Interface Descriptions
       UDDI Version 2 tModels

Comments are welcome from all interested parties and may be submitted
to the UDDI Spec comment list:


Persons who are not subscribed to this list may post comments to it but 
will have to confirm the message via a token return.

Any comments made can be viewed at 


Karl F. Best
Vice President, OASIS
+1 978.667.5115 x206
karl.best@oasis-open.org  http://www.oasis-open.org


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