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   RE: [xml-dev] Different kind of Editor

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Title: Message
If you can find the link, please send it.
Even if something is in Alpha or Beta out there, that is fine for me as my alternative is to write it myself.
-----Original Message-----
From: S Woodside [mailto:sbwoodside@yahoo.com]
Sent: Saturday, February 08, 2003 1:16 AM
To: Bawcom, Aaron
Cc: 'xml-dev@lists.xml.org'
Subject: Re: [xml-dev] Different kind of Editor

I'm working on something like this as a web application, using AxKit. My idea is to create an HTML forms interface that allows you to roundtrip data from the UA to the server as many times as needed, to develop an instance XML document. The initial document is not a template, just a schema (in my case, RNG, not WXS). It's still very much a work in progress, but if it ever works I might open source it.

BTW, I'm kind of surprised that no one has ever done this before (there seems to be a commercial product that does it ... I lost the link), it seems like an obvious application, better than templates too.


On Friday, February 7, 2003, at 11:06 PM, Bawcom, Aaron wrote:

Once the user has specified an XML Schema, there would be a root node to start with.

When the user right clicked on the root node, the user is presented with a context menu of *only valid elements and attributes" that could be specified at that point. So basically, the possible elements and attributes you could add as children or properties of the current node would be dynamically determined by the Schema that was loaded.


www.simonwoodside.com -- 99% Devil, 1% Angel

read this: http://monasticxml.org/


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