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   Re: [xml-dev] Elliotte Rusty Harold on Web Services

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On Monday 10 February 2003 16:28, John Cowan wrote:
> Alaric B. Snell scripsit:
> > Neither do
> > HTTP, LDAP, ODBC, IMAP, POP3, finger, ftp, tftp, fsp, etc. interoperate;
> > yet all of them are based around the concept of fetching something.
> It's interesting, though, that HTTP 0.9, gopher, finger, and whois
> *do* interoperate.  They all use the protocol "Send one line of key,
> get arbitrary text back".

That's like what I'm relabelling a Service Element to be in the new world of 
the Internet, in the thread with Mark, I guess...


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 - ARP


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