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   RE: [xml-dev] SML: Second Try

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I don't believe in Internet time. 
I believe in ant armies marching 
over mountains in route step. 

If a child is raised by lots of adults, 
(see Judy Garland), then the child 
becomes troublesome earlier because 
the child acquires adult habits without 
a peer group of similarly naive 
children to retard their experimentation 
by the prurience natural to children. 
They tend to get bad habits one at a time. 

HTML is a naive design from childlike 
minds.  As long as one stays in the 
sandbox, it works remarkably well. 
Then the adults come along and spoil 
Sunday's picnic with Monday morning's 

If you want to innovate rather 
than simply reappropriate,
in the spirit of James Brooks and 
the Tracy Ullman show, "disallow 
notes from the network executives, 
and take no prisoners".  Some 
go on to say... "and the horse 
they rode in on" but don't go that 
far.  You may need the horse later 
for plowing or a quick getaway.  
Stay on good terms with the horse.


-----Original Message-----
From: Dave Pawson [mailto:dpawson@nildram.co.uk]

At 09:20 10/02/2003 -0600, Bullard, Claude L (Len) wrote:

>12 to 14 is when they become troublesome.

Ah but that's discounting internet time Len :)


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