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   Re: [xml-dev] New XML tool for improving data-processing performance

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From: "Shigeru Yoshida" <yoshida.shig-04@jp.fujitsu.com>

> I would appreciate it if you could review the software and discuss whether
> it is useful and how useful it is.

The website says 

"Fujitsu's investigation has found that Fujitsu is the first company to develop this kind of compaction technology to reduce memory consumption and speed-up processing.
Fujitsu has already been granted a national patent for the "CSV compaction for XML" and has applied for an international patent. "

ISO 8879 SGML specifies a standard way to specify parsing CSV (or any other grammar)
into elements: SHORTREFs.

It is very commonly used, as a form of markup minimization. For example, you might have

<p>A Mr Blogs said:
<q>blah blah blah.

So, without seeing it, I would be surprised if any claims concerned with parsing
based on some simple specification have any merit, based on this prior art. 

The technique of using the same specification to generate the CSV is a different
matter: well obviously this has been done by programmers reading DTDs for years, 
and I don't know if anyone has used DTDs directly for generating minimized 



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