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   Re: [xml-dev] Re: Remembering the original XML vision

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At 11:03 15/02/2003 -0500, Jonathan Robie wrote:
 >I think you are probably complaining mainly about W3C XML Schema, which 
is not, incidentally,
 >part of the XML Core, and is still not even mentioned in the XML spec per se.

With respect, this is merely a convenient mereological ruse used by BIGCO 
that has little bearing on
reality as most on this list can attest.

Maybe I should have used the term "Boxed XML" rather than "XML Core".

My impression is that W3C XML Schema is a like virus that is infecting the 
organism from the outside in. XSLT2, XPath 2 not to mention the 
*deprecation* of
DTDs etc. etc.

Vendors shipping "word processors" that only do W3C XML Schema flavored
schemas completes the rout I fear.

Of course, the big vendors have scent of a money trail. If the developer 
wants to pretend that XML is just another RPC mechanism and another persistence
mechanism, then it is not in the interest of their shareholders to send back
the cheques :-/



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