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   Re: [xml-dev] Re: Remembering the original XML vision

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Jonathan Robie wrote:
> With respect, ASN.1 and Corba are precisely the kind of thing that many 
> dataheads were running away from when they turned to XML. Regardless, I 
> don't think anyone is going to be able to stop people from using XML for 
> data, or from wanting datatypes for their XML.

I've been thinking about this quite a bit recently.  ASN.1 has always 
been type-aware; in fact I've heard it alleged that it's little more 
than a really fully thought out type system.

So at the end of the day, by default, when you get an ASN.1 message you 
get a set of un-named but strongly typed data items.  When you get an 
XML message, by default you get a set of named but untyped data 
messages.  History would seem to show which of these is more useful. -Tim


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