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   Re: [xml-dev] Google as Big Brother

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Sometimes I'm not sure when you are consciously misrepresenting my 
position and when you are merely misunderstanding it.

To say that Google, a monopoly that arises through individual user 
choices, is better than a monopoly (UDDI) consciously erected by 
convicted monopolists (Microsoft and IBM) is not to say that Googole is 
the "be-all of web services."

Look, this GoogleWatch guy is a first-class crank who hates Google 
because it is too difficult to game the system. Seriously.

Bullard, Claude L (Len) wrote:
> This should be somewhat disturbing to the 
> RESTafarians who have promoted Google as 
> the be-all of web services.
> http://www.google-watch.org/bigbro.html
> Monkeys.  Always Monkeys standing on turtles.
> len
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