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   Re: [xml-dev] Re: Are the publishing users happy? Why not?

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Title: RE: [xml-dev] Re: Are the publishing users happy? Why not?
Hi Ralph
If you look at the member list part of the xbrl.org website [1] (click 'B' for 'Bank') there are a number of banks listed. I haven't seen the software they have implemented tho'
Various tax authorities (e.g., UK, Japan) have announced they will start accepting tax filings in XBRL - that is a similar use and not just a financial report.
XBRL 2.x makes use of XML Schema coupled with XLink linkbases to define semantics since XML Schema on its own was found to be insufficient in XBRL 1.0
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, 18 February, 2003 5:24 PM
Subject: RE: [xml-dev] Re: Are the publishing users happy? Why not?

Hugh Wallis wrote on Tue 2/18/2003 4:35 PM EST:

>That's what XBRL is all about [1]. As an example various banks are providing
>discounts to loan applicants who submit their applications tagged in XBRL.

I would be very interested in seeing such an example of a loan application
written against an XBRL schema.  So far what I have seen using XBRL are only
financial reports.



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