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   RE: [xml-dev] The subsetting has begun

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dareo@microsoft.com (Dare Obasanjo) writes:
>Why are you amazed? The abstraction works well for defining structured
>and semi-structured data plus the proliferation of tools that exist for
>manipulating and otherwise processing instances of the abstraction are
>quite useful to many producers and consumers of data. 

I'm amazed in large part because of the horrible but "technically XML"
mishmashes I regularly encounter which are quite obviously the result of
a collision between an internal object structure and the infoset.  It's
not just one company or even one category of companies - it's pretty

No one who started from XML documents would ever be likely to create
such nonsense, but people who start from the Infoset seem frequently to
create freakish markup that demonstrates the perils of manipulating
abstractions and forgetting about the underlying syntax.

Of course, the Infoset people keep explaining to me that this really
isn't a problem, but I seem to live downstream from their pollution and
have to drink that water.

Simon St.Laurent
Ring around the content, a pocket full of brackets
Errors, errors, all fall down!
http://simonstl.com -- http://monasticxml.org


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