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   Re: [xml-dev] XML+CSS, DENG (was: Re: [xml-dev] InfoPath,OpenOffice, XFo

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>Flash 6 required - rendering W3C XML+CSS content, only,
>e.g. enabling IE6 to do full XML+CSS support, with the least
>possible deployment cost, as Flash is, as a matter of fact, the most
>widely spread browser plug-in, especially on Windows/IE6.

Perhaps its the most widespread. Its hardly ubiquitous though, and 
will become less so as time passes. I'd say this works in less than 
half of the browsers I regularly use. In fact, of my three main 
computers Flash is installed on 1 of them. I haven't gone to any 
effort to remove it. In a couple of cases, I've gone to considerable 
effort to add it.

What I see in the field doesn't come close to matching what web 
designers think their audience has installed.  I suspect there's a 
huge self-selection effect operating here, where large parts of the 
reading public simply avoid sides that use Flash.

| Elliotte Rusty Harold | elharo@metalab.unc.edu | Writer/Programmer |
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