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   Re: [xml-dev] Doc vs. Data

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At 2003-06-06 15:24 -0400, Jonathan Robie wrote:
>At 02:05 PM 6/6/2003 -0400, G. Ken Holman wrote:
>>Would mixed content suffice?
>I'm not sure. What we generally think of as structured data does not use 
>mixed content, but there are also many documents that do not use mixed content.

I would not go so far as to say documents with mixed content are not 

But even given your choice of wording above, why should horizontal W3C 
Recommendations such as W3C Schema be developed for XML with a vertical 
bent towards data-oriented processing while disenfranchising text 
processing when doing so?

>>Data-oriented data can often be processed entirely with a "pull" model 
>>(XSLT or XQuery), while document-oriented mixed content needs to be 
>>processed with a "push" model (XSLT template rules).
>I wonder if this isn't more an issue of the kind of processing than the 
>kind of document.

Yes, indeed, as I said in my earlier note sent at the same time you sent 
your note.

>I agree that formatting documents is often best done with a push model. 
>Extracting data can be done with either. Combining and restructuring data 
>sources is generally best done with a pull model.

... except when mixed content is present ... such as the aggregation of 
multiple XML documents of mixed content into a single presentation.

>I have certainly used the same data to do all three.

Sure ... but did that data include mixed content?

................... Ken

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G. Ken Holman                mailto:gkholman@CraneSoftwrights.com
Crane Softwrights Ltd.         http://www.CraneSoftwrights.com/x/
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