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   RE: [xml-dev] The Future of HTML and Internet Explorer

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  • To: "Gerald Bauer" <luxorxul@yahoo.ca>, <xml-dev@lists.xml.org>
  • Subject: RE: [xml-dev] The Future of HTML and Internet Explorer
  • From: "Hunsberger, Peter" <Peter.Hunsberger@stjude.org>
  • Date: Thu, 6 Nov 2003 09:20:06 -0600
  • Thread-index: AcOkDIXm9i5Q1/uURRuF21RQezn6ogAbJ7jg
  • Thread-topic: [xml-dev] The Future of HTML and Internet Explorer

Gerald Bauer <luxorxul@yahoo.ca> writes:

>   Not to be rude, but are we really supposed to
> believe that HTML and browsing the web will remain
> frozen in time forever? Back in May, Robert Scoble
> said that "in October at the PDC Microsoft will answer
> the question is Internet Explorer dead."

Ahhh, but you forget, according to MS the browser and the OS are
inseparable, improve one and you've improved the other....  

(The cynic in me wonders which came first, the claim that they are
inseparable, or the idea to actually make it so by inventing XAML.)


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