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   Re: [xml-dev] xml 2.0 - so it's on the way after all?

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On Fri, 04 Feb 2005 13:47:19 -0800, Robert Koberg <rob@koberg.com> wrote:
> Peter Hunsberger wrote:
> >>
> >>Then why are you arguing?
> >
> >
> > Perhaps because I'm not so myopic to believe that my needs are true
> > for the rest of the universe of XML users, or then again, perhaps
> > because it's Friday afternoon and I'm getting tired from a week long
> > refactoring session...
> This seems to be a thread about a wishlist (maybe I am wrong?).
> Diplomacy, at this stage, seems premature.

Heh heh: let them all drive dump trucks... 

I guess my wish list would have some sort of simple entity equivalent.
 That and peace, love and harmony for everyone.

Peter Hunsberger


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