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RE: Re[4]: [xml-dev] Namespace: CSS in addition to prefix (was: CSS instead of Namespace)

> "it's bad idea" without arguments, as well as "i'm feeling", 
> is not feedback, it's appeal to emotion and head's database 
> once again. Arguments are necessary.

Dmitry, unlike some others on this list, I don't think you are stupid. But I
do think you are remarkably bad at winning friends and selling your ideas.

Your English isn't good, and you may be missing some of the subtlety of the
language that people use. When someone says "I feel that", it may mean a
number of things, but essentially it is a signal that they are open to
argument: they are inviting discussion to come to mutual agreement, rather
than adopting an entrenched position that is not open to other points of
view. The phrase is certainly not an appeal to emotion, except in the sense
that it is a gesture of friendship. When you throw this back in someone's
face by saying "prove it" or "show me the evidence" you are turning down
their offer to discuss things, and claiming that you know best. So it's not
surprising people don't want to continue the conversation.

Michael Kay

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