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RE: [xml-dev] Wikipedia on XML

> Actually, you don't have to descend to SAX programming to achieve this.
> With
> XSLT 2.1 streaming you will be able to write:
   ...good stuff removed

It is interesting that a lot of the XML technologies that have rather
failed to thrive are the little ones that are severed from the mainstream.
XInclude, XLink, XBase, XML catalogs, XML Fragments, xml:id and so on.
Apart from namespaces and <?xml-stylesheet, have there been any of the
single-purpose technologies from W3C that have made any traction? (This is
not a criticism of W3C, I am would prefer to think though about the size

I wonder if this is because these are things whose value is an extreme
network effect, that they would only be adopted if they are ubiquitously
available. People prudently ignore them (I am sure XML-DEVers will be the
exceptions!) because of the hassle of making sure they would be available
on the next bloke's platform.

So I would expect that unless this kind of renaming was ubiquitously
available, or always part of some larger bundle or platform, merely making
a way to do it (either declarative through DSRL or functionally by XSLT2
or whatever).


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