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Re: [xml-dev] Wikipedia on XML

> The way I understood Rick, however, which may
> well be wrong, was that he did not want to move the OOXML documents to a
> new namespace (which your example seems to be doing), but to parametrize
> the XSLT stylesheet to cope with the new OOXML namespace his instances
> have already been moved into.
> So that instead of: <xsl:stylesheet xmlns:ooxml="ooxml-v1" ...
> he'd have:          <xsl:stylesheet xmlns:ooxml="ooxml-v2" ...

Yes. Or, better

  xmlns:ooxml2="ooxml-v2" ...>

  <xsl:equiv accept="ooxml2" as="ooxml" />

  <xsl:template match="ooxml:blah">

Or even simpler to allow smarter wildcards inside names of matches
including prefixes


  <xsl:template match="ooxm*:*" >...

(Michael: is that currently available? On the cards?)

If W3C said "All prefix matching APIs should be able to use wildcards at
the end of the prefix" and it was implemented everywhere, and backported
to XPath1 too, that alone would give us many ways to do workarounds.

Wildcard matching on the URI would seem to me to be more difficult, but it
would be of some use to.

Rick Jelliffe

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