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Re: [xml-dev] text nodes of document in XDM

On 1/12/2011 8:33 AM, David Lee wrote:
>>> Micheal Sokolv
> Have you considered implementing serialization of sequences of XdmItems
> rather than documents?  That way you could preserve the distinctions
> that are being lost when you go to a document.  If somebody wants to
> make a document from your serialized format, they could always construct
> it easily enough.
> -==================
> Absolutely ! (you can see a *draft* of this at
> http://xml.calldei.com/XDMSerialize )
> But the problem is one of the items can be a document.  ini
I see, sorry - I guess I missed the point a bit.  It seems to me you've 
outlined two alternative serialization schemes for lists of items: 
document serialization, or sequence serialization.  I'm not totally 
clear on all the contexts in which this might get used, but perhaps you 
could in some way leave it up to the "user" which behavior gets 
triggered.  IE, accepting that document-behavior won't roundtrip its 
child sequence structure might not be so terrible if in some way it were 
possible to detect the difference between an "implicit" document which 
is really just a stand-in for a sequence, and a "real" document.

-Mike Sokolov

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