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Re: XRay XSLT/XML editor

In a message dated 06/01/01 16:49:31 GMT Standard Time, simonstl@simonstl.com 

> Every now and then I find something that feels so right that I need to talk
>  about it.  Michael Kay's XSLT book and Tony Graham's Unicode: A Primer were
>  in that category, but now I've got a bit of software I'm really happy with.


I wasn't aware of XRay before your post. It certainly looks promising. The 
method of associating XML documents with stylesheets is neat. As is the live 
update of an HTML window.

Another simple XML editor which in my view answers to your notion of doing 
simple things well is XMLWriter from www.xmlwriter.net. It is a 
straightforward but very effective XML editor. One of the things I like about 
it is the inbuilt document (not XSLT) templates and the facility to create 

I have no association with xmlwriter.net other than as a satisfied customer.

Andrew Watt