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   Re: [xml-dev] Fast text output from SAX?

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At 2:48 PM -0700 4/13/04, Dennis Sosnoski wrote:

>Obviously I can't test every possible internal form that might be 
>used by an application. However, the vast majority of XML document 
>processing in Java is currently built on the event streams produced 
>by SAX parsers. Any general XML format should be convertible to and 
>from an event stream of this type, and in practice that's the way 
>any alternative general formats are likely to be used (at least in 
>the near term).

That doesn't sound at all plausible to me. If I have a specific 
internal data structure that I wish to convert to XML, I would never 
go through SAX. If I really didn't care about performance I might go 
through XOM or JDOM, but if I cared about performance I'd just dump 
out the strings or bytes as seemed appropriate. While certainly a few 
people are using the SAX API to drive output, it's hardly a common 
thing to do, nor is it at all necessary. I just can't see how the 
task you want to benchmark corresponds to how XML is used.

The fact is XML is deliberately simple enough to be output 
straight-forwardly without any fancy libraries.  I can believe a 
format like XBIS might be so complex that it really requires the 
overhead of a special library just for output. But XML just isn't 
that complicated.  Unfortunately the massive gains in programmer 
productivity from using a straight-forward, text format that can be 
inspected and debugged in any text editor are rarely measured by 
benchmarks. :-(

   Elliotte Rusty Harold
   Effective XML (Addison-Wesley, 2003)


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