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RE: [xml-dev] Ten Years Later - XML 1.0 Fifth Edition?

> >  I don't know if the site that we were building still 
> exists. I found this
> >  page in Welsh
> >
> >  http://www.dca.gov.uk/complwel.htm
> >
> >  which seems to display incorrectly in both Firefox and IE 
> (spot the question
> >  marks).
> If you look at the source they're in there:
> Ganghellor o g?yn
> ...so I don't think it's a font problem in this case, but the wrong
> encoding used somewhere in the processing.
Yup, almost certainly an encoding problem at the server.

FF2 with the Web Developer plug-in shows in the Response Header: Apache 1.3 serving text/html. The meta headers show: content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1".

Right there you're guaranteed to have problems for any characters outside of ISO-8859-1.

A good first step for all web masters: serve UTF-8.

Mike Waters

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