----- Original Message From: "Simon St.Laurent"
On 11/17/13 9:44 AM, Pete Cordell wrote:So Simon, to bring it up to 17 times, you've said why XSD/Namespace etc doesn't work for you, but I'm not clear what your methodology is instead. How do you go from concept to version 1 product to version 2 and so on? How is change managed and how do you verify that nothing has died as a result of those changes?Mostly I no longer give a damn, but when I do: <http://www.balisage.net/Proceedings/vol10/html/StLaurent01/BalisageVol10-StLaurent01.html#d146424e677>
At this point I've largely left the XML universe in any case, except conversationally. XML spoiled me early with a smart and active community - there really aren't equivalents in related technology.Granted, but for a long time it was heresy to question XML as the one true religion for data interchange. JSON is only now emerging from that shadow, and I'm pretty sure that even that can be improved upon.
My hopes for a path forward in markup, though, are largely on the HTML side, rekindled by the slow emergence of Web Components and supporting standards. I suspect that those will do more to push the world toward markup than anything else we've come up with, unless they're strangled by the standards/implementer process.
Yeah. If you want to use XML for that, go ahead, but it's not a case where XML is necessary or best. You'll find various references to those situations in the paper too.Note that my use-case is more the computer-to-computer one, where the XML is often conceptually an API boundary that more than one party works to.