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   Re: [xml-dev] Parsing efficiency? - why not 'compile'????

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> > Because they have to read the DTD? What if the DTD is already known a priori?
> > There may still be problems (e.g. context, namespaces) - but would XML Fragment
> > not address those?
> No, because you can only parse an XML document from the start. Take the 
> following snippet:
> <foo>
>    <bar/>
> </foo>
> If your app picks up the stream and sees the "a" of <bar/> as the first byte, 
> there's nothing useful it can do with that document.

Yes, but I thought a specification like (or similar to) XML Fragment
would also specify the exchange of such fragments, such that you would
not have that siutation. But I admit, I haven't looked closely at this recommendation.

> You might need more than XML Fragment to address this (XUpdate would be another 
> candidate).

I take your word for it - no time to research it myself.


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