Last updated: Thu Mar 31 23:00:02 2005
477 messages (listed by date and indexed by thread) |
Date Index
all group composition,
Carlos Pita
Re: [xml-dev] XQuery Adoption Survey Results,
Ken North
Extracting the SOAP body,
Question on SOAP,
Question on SOAP Reply,
RE: [xml-dev] What Does SOAP/WS Do that A REST System Can't?,
Dare Obasanjo
What Does SOAP/WS Do that A REST System Can't?,
Bullard, Claude L (Len)
- Re: [xml-dev] What Does SOAP/WS Do that A REST System Can't?,
Michael Champion
- Re: [xml-dev] What Does SOAP/WS Do that A REST System Can't?,
Rich Salz
- Re: [xml-dev] What Does SOAP/WS Do that A REST System Can't?,
Mark Baker
- Re: [xml-dev] What Does SOAP/WS Do that A REST System Can't?,
Rich Salz
- Re: [xml-dev] What Does SOAP/WS Do that A REST System Can't?,
Mark Baker
- Re: [xml-dev] What Does SOAP/WS Do that A REST System Can't?,
Joe Gregorio
- Re: [xml-dev] What Does SOAP/WS Do that A REST System Can't?,
Rich Salz
- Re: [xml-dev] What Does SOAP/WS Do that A REST System Can't?,
Joe Gregorio
- Re: [xml-dev] What Does SOAP/WS Do that A REST System Can't?,
Rich Salz
- Re: [xml-dev] What Does SOAP/WS Do that A REST System Can't?,
Joe Gregorio
- Re: [xml-dev] What Does SOAP/WS Do that A REST System Can't?,
Rich Salz
- SOAP for non-RPC messaging application,
- Re: [xml-dev] SOAP for non-RPC messaging application,
Arvind Singh
- Re: [xml-dev] What Does SOAP/WS Do that A REST System Can't?,
- Re: [xml-dev] What Does SOAP/WS Do that A REST System Can't?,
Rich Salz
- Re: [xml-dev] What Does SOAP/WS Do that A REST System Can't?,
Michael Champion
RE: [xml-dev] Regarding libxml2-2.6.17 and xsl,
Thomas, Mark - BLS CTR
Xml2PDF formatter version 2.2 is released,
Altsoft Xml2PDF
Regarding libxml2-2.6.17 and xsl,
Saha Rabindra N
Mask e-mail addresses in xml-dev archives ?,
Ken North
XQuery Adoption Survey Results,
Tony Lavinio
XSLT count() function and the UNION operator,
XML friendly runtime templating languages,
Robert Koberg
<offtopic type=humor>Easy to Answer Requirements,
Bullard, Claude L (Len)
XML Parsing,
Re: [xml-dev] Quiz: static transformation vs. JIT generation,
Re: [xml-dev] XSLT with DOM or SAX ?,
Re: [xml-dev] XSLT with DOM or SAX ?,
Mukul Gandhi
RE: [xml-dev] XSLT with DOM or SAX ?,
Kurt Riede
Re: [xml-dev] XSLT with DOM or SAX ?,
Robert Koberg
Re: [xml-dev] XSLT with DOM or SAX ?,
Robert Koberg
Re: [xml-dev] XSLT with DOM or SAX ?,
Kurt Riede
Quiz: static transformation vs. JIT generation,
XSLT with DOM or SAX ?,
Re: [xml-dev] XSLT with DOM or SAX ?,
Oleg Tkachenko
RE: [xml-dev] XSLT with DOM or SAX ?,
Michael Kay
Key and Keyref not working properly,
Marco Mastrocinque
attribute name/namespace question,
Creating a XML Schema from an existing Database - Part 2,
Marco Mastrocinque
SAX for .NET 1.5 released,
Karl Waclawek
XSD keyref help,
Eric Dalquist
XML Prague 2005 programme details,
Petr Cimprich
Native XML and XML Enabled database,
Priti Patil
Deadline for XTECH 2005 Late-Breaking News and Vendor Presentations - 28 March,
Elledge, Marion
RE: [xml-dev] [audiocast] ebXML Registry Interoperability (was Looking for schema management/registry tool],
Governor James
[ASL] the Active Schema Language : a new schema technology,
Philippe Poulard
Creating a XML Schema for an existing database,
Marco Mastrocinque
XPath case insensitive queries,
Pierre Martins
DOM traversal: NodeIterator + NodeFilter vs. TreeWalker,
Re: [xml-dev] Xml in audit,
Ken North
[Fwd: Re: [xml-dev] Looking for schema management/registry tool],
john c hardin
Xml in audit,
Vankerkom, Tom
Looking for schema management/registry tool,
Marc de Graauw
Robin Owens
RE: [xml-dev] Aggregated content, fact checking, PICS, Atom/RSS ( was Rigged Aggregators),
Bullard, Claude L (Len)
Re: [xml-dev] Fun With Schemas,
john c hardin
RE: [xml-dev] Advanced XML Schema Training Class?,
Schochler, Richard E
Advanced XML Schema Training Class?,
Don Demsak
UDEF was Re: [xml-dev] Fun With Schemas],
john c hardin
RE: [xml-dev] XML Schema is not yet widespread??,
Kirkham, Pete (UK)
XML Schema is not yet widespread??,
Adi Eio
Ingorable Whitespaces,
Groleo Marius
RE: [xml-dev] xml on a chip....,
Ralph Hilken
[ANN] XSLT has never been so easy, Tiger XSLT Mapper 2.0 DeveloperEdition is Free,
Jun Zhang
XTECH 2005 - News Summit, OASIS Open Standards Day -additional discounts available now!,
Elledge, Marion
RE: [xml-dev] Aggregated content, fact checking, PICS, Atom/RSS (was Rigged Aggregators),
Bullard, Claude L (Len)
RE: [xml-dev] Aggregated content, fact checking, PICS, Atom/RSS (was Rigged Aggregators),
Bullard, Claude L (Len)
RE: [xml-dev] Aggregated content, fact checking, PICS, Atom/RSS (was Rigged Aggregators),
Bullard, Claude L (Len)
RE: [xml-dev] Aggregated content, fact checking, PICS, Atom/RSS (was Rigged Aggregators),
Bullard, Claude L (Len)
xpath check if value-atribute is empty,
Dominik Röth
Re: [xml-dev] Cannot have multiple DOCTYPE declarations,
c p
Fun With Schemas,
Bullard, Claude L (Len)
RE: [xml-dev] Attribute Usage,
Doug Rudder
Attribute Usage,
Re: [xml-dev] What's difference between ref and type in XML schema,
Chandrashekhar Otari
What's difference between ref and type in XML schema,
Baisak, Ranjan
Validating xml with wsdl,
XML to JSP Convertor,
Chandrashekhar Otari
[ANN] XRules & Dynamic DOM group on Yahoo!,
Waleed Abdulla
Standard algorithm to parse XML with DOM,
Re: [xml-dev] Is there a way to reuse and extend an enumeration inXML schema,
Henry S. Thompson
Re: [xml-dev] XRules:Mind your own business rules,
Leonie Norton
Re: [xml-dev] Best practices for default values for attributes?,
Michael Good
Best practices for default values for attributes?,
Michael Good
Cannot have multiple DOCTYPE declarations,
c p
RE: [xml-dev] Rigged Aggregators?,
Prine, Gil
- Re: [xml-dev] Rigged Aggregators?,
Jeff Rafter
- Re: [xml-dev] Rigged Aggregators?,
Jeff Rafter
- Re: [xml-dev] Rigged Aggregators?,
Bill Kearney
- <Possible follow-ups>
- RE: [xml-dev] Rigged Aggregators?,
Bullard, Claude L (Len)
- RE: [xml-dev] Rigged Aggregators?,
Bullard, Claude L (Len)
- RE: [xml-dev] Rigged Aggregators?,
Bullard, Claude L (Len)
- RE: [xml-dev] Rigged Aggregators?,
Bullard, Claude L (Len)
- RE: [xml-dev] Rigged Aggregators?,
Bullard, Claude L (Len)
- RE: [xml-dev] Rigged Aggregators?,
Bullard, Claude L (Len)
- RE: [xml-dev] Rigged Aggregators?,
Bullard, Claude L (Len)
- Re: [xml-dev] Rigged Aggregators?,
Jeff Rafter
- Re: [xml-dev] Rigged Aggregators?,
Bob Foster
- Re: [xml-dev] Rigged Aggregators?,
M. David Peterson
- Re: [xml-dev] Rigged Aggregators?,
Ken North
- Re: [xml-dev] Rigged Aggregators?,
M. David Peterson
- Re: [xml-dev] Rigged Aggregators?,
Nathan Young
- Re: [xml-dev] Rigged Aggregators?,
M. David Peterson
- Re: [xml-dev] Aggregated content, fact checking, PICS, Atom/RSS (was Rigged Aggregators),
Ken North
- Re: [xml-dev] Aggregated content, fact checking, PICS, Atom/RSS (was Rigged Aggregators),
Bob Foster
- Re: [xml-dev] Aggregated content, fact checking, PICS, Atom/RSS (was Rigged Aggregators),
M. David Peterson
- Re: [xml-dev] Aggregated content, fact checking, PICS, Atom/RSS (wasRigged Aggregators),
Ronald Bourret
- Re: [xml-dev] Aggregated content, fact checking, PICS, Atom/RSS (was Rigged Aggregators),
M. David Peterson
- Re: [xml-dev] Aggregated content, fact checking, PICS, Atom/RSS (was Rigged Aggregators),
David Lyon
- Re: [xml-dev] Aggregated content, fact checking, PICS, Atom/RSS (wasRigged Aggregators),
Bob Foster
- Re: [xml-dev] Aggregated content, fact checking, PICS, Atom/RSS (was Rigged Aggregators),
M. David Peterson
- RE: [xml-dev] Aggregated content, fact checking, PICS, Atom/RSS (was Rigged Aggregators),
Michael Kay
- Re: [xml-dev] Aggregated content, fact checking, PICS, Atom/RSS (was Rigged Aggregators),
Jeff Rafter
- Re: [xml-dev] Aggregated content, fact checking, PICS, Atom/RSS (was Rigged Aggregators),
Nathan Young
- Re: [xml-dev] Rigged Aggregators?,
M. David Peterson
- RE: [xml-dev] Rigged Aggregators?,
Bullard, Claude L (Len)
- RE: [xml-dev] Rigged Aggregators?,
Bornholtz, Tim
- RE: [xml-dev] Rigged Aggregators?,
Bullard, Claude L (Len)
Rigged Aggregators?,
Bullard, Claude L (Len)
R: [xml-dev] Schema builder API like DOM,
Giovannini Andrea
"Active Tags" : a framework for XML Native Programming,
Philippe Poulard
Schema builder API like DOM,
Chandrashekhar Otari
RE: [xml-dev] XRules: Mind your own business rules,
Kunal J
XRules: Mind your own business rules,
Waleed Abdulla
- Re: [xml-dev] XRules: Mind your own business rules,
Rick Jelliffe
- Re: [xml-dev] XRules: Mind your own business rules,
Roland Merrick
- Re: [xml-dev] XRules: Mind your own business rules,
David Lyon
- Re: [xml-dev] XRules: Mind your own business rules,
Robin Cover
- Re: [xml-dev] XRules: Mind your own business rules,
Jeff Rafter
- Re: [xml-dev] XRules: Mind your own business rules,
Mark Seaborne
- Re: [xml-dev] XRules: Mind your own business rules,
Christian Nentwich
- RE: [xml-dev] XRules: Mind your own business rules,
Waleed Abdulla
- Re: [xml-dev] XRules: Mind your own business rules,
Mark Seaborne
- RE: [xml-dev] XRules: Mind your own business rules,
Roland Merrick
- RE: [xml-dev] XRules: Mind your own business rules,
Waleed Abdulla
- Re: [xml-dev] XRules: Mind your own business rules,
Ronald Bourret
- Re: [xml-dev] XRules: Mind your own business rules,
Bill de hÓra
- Semantic vs XML Rules (was XRules: Mind your own business rules),
Waleed Abdulla
- Re: [xml-dev] Semantic vs XML Rules (was XRules: Mind your own businessrules),
Bob Foster
- RE: [xml-dev] Semantic vs XML Rules (was XRules: Mind your own business rules),
Waleed Abdulla
- RE: [xml-dev] Semantic vs XML Rules (was XRules: Mind your own business rules),
Jonathan Borden
- RE: [xml-dev] Semantic vs XML Rules (was XRules: Mind your own business rules),
Waleed Abdulla
- Re: [xml-dev] Semantic vs XML Rules (was XRules: Mind your own businessrules),
Rick Marshall
- Standard algorithm to parse XML with DOM,
RE: [xml-dev] First time in..,
Gavin Landon
First time in..,
Gavin Landon
MSXML and attribute/element definition,
Dimitrios Kolovos
rddl natures and purposes,
Bryan Rasmussen
[XNP] XML Native Programming,
Philippe Poulard
ANN: Reminder - Extreme 2005 Papers due April 15th,
B Tommie Usdin
RE: [xml-dev] Is possible to have choice type facility for an attribute of schema,
Baisak, Ranjan
Is possible to have choice type facility for an attribute of schema,
Baisak, Ranjan
XPATH expression,
Premier European XML Industry Event Expands Focus to "XML, the Web and Beyond";,
Elledge, Marion
ANN: XML Prague June 25th, 2005,
James Fuller
Is there a schema?,
Brian OBrien
RE: [xml-dev] clarification needed for include,
Chiusano Joseph
clarification needed for include,
Takuki Kamiya
RE: [xml-dev] Is there a way to reuse and extend an enumeration in XML schema,
Chiusano Joseph
RE: [xml-dev] A Question about name spaces..,
Chiusano Joseph
A Question about name spaces..,
Brian OBrien
Is there a way to reuse and extend an enumeration in XML schema,
Kenneth Stephen
RE: [xml-dev] Schema, BNF and parsing,
Dare Obasanjo
RE: [xml-dev] Tamino status,
Composite constraints,
Charles Woerner
Semantic Technology Projects,
Irene Polikoff
Schema, BNF and parsing,
Andrew Jeavons
- Message not available
- Re: [xml-dev] Schema, BNF and parsing,
Henry S. Thompson
- Re: [xml-dev] Schema, BNF and parsing,
Andrew Jeavons
- RE: [xml-dev] Schema, BNF and parsing,
Michael Kay
- RE: [xml-dev] Schema, BNF and parsing,
Andrew Jeavons
- Re: [xml-dev] Schema, BNF and parsing,
Rick Marshall
- RE: [xml-dev] Schema, BNF and parsing,
Michael Kay
- Re: [xml-dev] Schema, BNF and parsing,
Steven J. DeRose
- Re: [xml-dev] Schema, BNF and parsing,
Andrew Jeavons
- Re: [xml-dev] Schema, BNF and parsing,
Rick Marshall
- Message not available
- Re: [xml-dev] Schema, BNF and parsing,
Andrew Jeavons
- Re: [xml-dev] Schema, BNF and parsing,
Bob Foster
- Re: [xml-dev] Schema, BNF and parsing,
Andrew Jeavons
- Re: [xml-dev] Schema, BNF and parsing,
Dave Pawson
RE: [xml-dev] Schema, BNF and parsing,
Michael Kay
Re: [xml-dev] Do I need XML parser ?,
Tamino status,
Elliotte Harold
Do I need XML parser ?,
Saha Rabindra N
Re: [xml-dev] [About Unicode] Why the symbol LOGICAL NOT is missing from the UCS ?,
David Carlisle
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Re: [xml-dev] [About Unicode] Why the symbol LOGICAL NOT is missing from the UCS ?,
William J. Kammerer
- Re: [xml-dev] [About Unicode] Why the symbol LOGICAL NOT is missing from the UCS ?,
David Lyon
- Re: [xml-dev] [About Unicode] Why the symbol LOGICAL NOT is missingfrom the UCS ?,
Bob Foster
- Re: [xml-dev] [About Unicode] Why the symbol LOGICAL NOT is missing from the UCS ?,
David Lyon
- RE: [xml-dev] [About Unicode] Why the symbol LOGICAL NOT is missing from the UCS ?,
Paul Spencer
- Re: [xml-dev] [About Unicode] Why the symbol LOGICAL NOT is missing from the UCS ?,
William J. Kammerer
- Re: [xml-dev] [About Unicode] Why the symbol LOGICAL NOT is missing from the UCS ?,
David Lyon
- RE: [xml-dev] [About Unicode] Why the symbol LOGICAL NOT is missing from the UCS ?,
Michael Kay
- Re: [xml-dev] [About Unicode] Why the symbol LOGICAL NOT is missing from the UCS ?,
David Carlisle
- Re: [xml-dev] [About Unicode] Why the symbol LOGICAL NOT is missing from the UCS ?,
David Lyon
- Re: [xml-dev] [About Unicode] Why the symbol LOGICAL NOT is missing from the UCS ?,
David Carlisle
- Re: [xml-dev] [About Unicode] Why the symbol LOGICAL NOT is missing from the UCS ?,
William J. Kammerer
- RE: [xml-dev] [About Unicode] Why the symbol LOGICAL NOT is missing from the UCS ?,
Michael Kay
- But is it fair? - An exploration of alphabets and ideograms,
William J. Kammerer
- RE: [xml-dev] But is it fair? - An exploration of alphabets and ideograms,
Joe Fawcett
- RE: [xml-dev] But is it fair? - An exploration of alphabets and ideograms,
Jelks Cabaniss
- Re: [xml-dev] [About Unicode] Why the symbol LOGICAL NOT ismissing from the UCS ?,
- Re: [xml-dev] [About Unicode] Why the symbol LOGICAL NOT is missingfrom the UCS ?,
Rick Marshall
- RE: [xml-dev] [About Unicode] Why the symbol LOGICAL NOT is missing from the UCS ?,
Michael Kay
- Re: [xml-dev] [About Unicode] Why the symbol LOGICAL NOT is missingfrom the UCS ?,
Rick Marshall
- Re: [xml-dev] [About Unicode] Why the symbol LOGICAL NOT ismissing from the UCS ?,
- Re: [xml-dev] [About Unicode] Why the symbol LOGICAL NOT is missing from the UCS ?,
Rick Marshall
- fuzzy end of this lolly-pop OR Why Latin Rocks,
William J. Kammerer
- Re: [xml-dev] fuzzy end of this lolly-pop OR Why Latin Rocks,
- Re: [xml-dev] fuzzy end of this lolly-pop OR Why Latin Rocks,
William J. Kammerer
- Re: [xml-dev] fuzzy end of this lolly-pop OR Why Latin Rocks,
Rick Jelliffe
- Re: [xml-dev] fuzzy end of this lolly-pop OR Why Latin Rocks,
- Re: [xml-dev] [About Unicode] Why the symbol LOGICAL NOT is missing from the UCS ?,
David Lyon
- Re: [xml-dev] [About Unicode] Why the symbol LOGICAL NOT is missing from the UCS ?,
David Carlisle
- Units of Measure,
William J. Kammerer
- Re: [xml-dev] Units of Measure,
David Lyon
- Re: [xml-dev] [About Unicode] Why the symbol LOGICAL NOT is missingfrom the UCS ?,
Rick Marshall
- RE: [xml-dev] [About Unicode] Why the symbol LOGICAL NOT is missing from the UCS ?,
Michael Kay
- RE: [xml-dev] [About Unicode] Why the symbol LOGICAL NOT is missing from the UCS ?,
Michael Kay
- Re: [xml-dev] [About Unicode] Why the symbol LOGICAL NOT is missingfrom the UCS ?,
Rick Marshall
- Re: [xml-dev] [About Unicode] Why the symbol LOGICAL NOT ismissing from the UCS ?,
Steven J. DeRose
- Re: [xml-dev] [About Unicode] Why the symbol LOGICAL NOT is missing from the UCS ?,
David Lyon
rddl editing,
Bryan Rasmussen
ANN: C++ Portable Components,
Re: [xml-dev] [XUS] An XML URN Scheme,
Ronald Bourret
RE: [xml-dev] Quiz: XML flexibility,
DuCharme, Bob (LNG-CHO)